Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week 1-3, 2008!

Week 1-3

Welcome to Team B! We have a very busy few weeks getting to know each other
in our classes and our team. Team B is made up of four classes, Room 5 with
Mrs Gail Mitchell, Room 6 with Miss Louise Kennedy, Room 7 with Miss Rachel
Taylor and Room 8 with Mr Mark Barrow.

We are sure you have already visited the Team B Wikispace:

Where you will have seen our term's plan, reminders and homework for each

We have been focusing on The Brain: The World Inside My Head. Ask your child
about the brain as we are confident they will be able to tell you atleast
one interesting thing they have learnt about the structure and function of
parts of the brain and memory devices. Ask them what a mnemonic is, you will
be impressed!

It was great to meet so many parents at the Meet the Teacher evening in Week
2 and we thank all of the parents who have offered to help out on our
swimming safety trips and at camp. We look forward to seeing you at the camp
meeting, which is yet to be announced.

Keep logging on to see what wonderful, exciting things we are doing in our
team. We aim to update this blog weekly with any pictures we have taken so
save it to your favourites now for easy access!

Have a great week
Team B teachers