Wednesday, September 12, 2007

News from Team B - Week 9

Well, it has been an especially busy week in Team B. Our investigations into
Human Rights issues in our community have led to our students taking some
serious action. Some examples of the types of action being taken are placing
blanket and clothing bins around the school to give to various charities;
animations being created for our daily broadcast to inform our school
community of human rights issues; proposals to the council being written;
visits to retirement villages being planned and much, much more.

The goal for this Term's focus on Human Rights is to see a shift in
students' hearts, for them to realise that there are needs in our community
that need to be met and that they can make a difference.

We also have had the Science Roadshow in this week. The Science Roadshow is
a travelling group of trained professionals who perform live shows of
science experiments, loud bangs and other funny sights. There are always
lots of 'ooohs' and aaahs' coming from the audience! There are also loads of
hands on, interactive science displays for students to engage in. Team B
visited the show on Thursday afternoon. Check out some of the photos of the
things took part in. It really was mind blowing and I am sure many students
have got some ideas for Science Fair investigations for next year.

Well, there is only one week left of Term. Keep up the fantastic work next
week, Team B, you can enjoy a well deserved break in just one week!

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