Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 5 in Team B

We have now completed a third week in our temporary classrooms and it is one more week to go before we move back into our old home. The painting is completed, the carpets are down and they are just finishing off the final touches. It is looking beauuuutiful!!!!!

This week, students continued with their presentations of Kete's- which have been amazing. They have also done some great collage work on New Zealand icons and Kiwiana.

We have some budding authors and the pourquois on New Zealand are a great read.
Keep a look out for these as podcasts. You will be able to download them from itunes, as a weekly series of stories, which you can listen to.
Read about how Hoi-Ho got his yellow eye. Click on this link.
The mathex students have designed the most amazing games. Click on these links and have a look at what they have been working on.
All in all, another great week in Team B.

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