Thursday, December 13, 2007

Week 10

Week 10 has been a fun week for everyone in Team B. Christmas is near with carols playing in the morning, Christmas trees decorating our classrooms and just the general happiness in the air!

Team B students along with all the other Year 7 students at BBI had a fun day out at Willow Park on Tuesday. There were activities galore from petanque to bouncy castles to water slides and sponge fights. The weather held out for us and we ended the day with a well earned ice-block before our walk back to school. A big thank you to all the parents who helped us make this day possible!

Nearing the end of the week we have been practicing for our big prize giving assembly next Wednesday. This is sure to be a great occasion and a great end to what has been a wonderful year.

Keep up the enthusiasm Team B!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Week 9 in Team B- Stalls Day

Friday was a fantastic day of fun. All the Year 7 classes got together and put on a stalls day for the whole school. Team B had some cool ideas and there was a target game " Shoot the Can " run by Room 6, a cake stand run by Room 8, Lolly Land run by Room 5 and the wacky cooldrink stall with a crazy hair theme, run by Room 7.
Thank you to all parents for your contributions and donations. Thank you to all the wonderful students in Team B for your hard work making posters, decorating your stalls, packing lolly bags, baking cakes and selling on the day.
Take a look at our photo gallery of the day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 7

The arts have been a major focus this week, with groups creating and
practising their music pieces, dances and dramas to promote New Zealand. All
parents and extended family members are invited to view these performances
in the hall on Friday 30 November 1:30-3pm with an afternoon tea to follow.
It would be wonderful to see you all there!

Week 6

Week 6 was an exciting and busy week for Team B. Many of our talented students were involved in the school production of "Henry". It was shown Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and was very successful. Well done to all those students from Team B who were involved!

Here are a few photos from the show:

Around the Throne The Angry Queens

As well as being busy with the production, we all managed to move back into our sparkling, clean new classrooms. This was exciting and it is great to be back together as a team!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 5 in Team B

We have now completed a third week in our temporary classrooms and it is one more week to go before we move back into our old home. The painting is completed, the carpets are down and they are just finishing off the final touches. It is looking beauuuutiful!!!!!

This week, students continued with their presentations of Kete's- which have been amazing. They have also done some great collage work on New Zealand icons and Kiwiana.

We have some budding authors and the pourquois on New Zealand are a great read.
Keep a look out for these as podcasts. You will be able to download them from itunes, as a weekly series of stories, which you can listen to.
Read about how Hoi-Ho got his yellow eye. Click on this link.
The mathex students have designed the most amazing games. Click on these links and have a look at what they have been working on.
All in all, another great week in Team B.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Week It Was

What a week, what more can I say.
We had a boomer of a day where we had our arts immersion day.
We got to participate in Dance (Get in behind you sheep!)
Maori Language/Songs
Drama (Maui and the sun)
Here are some of the photos:

We got to watch some of the best dance and singing scenes from millions of videos. Wow wasnt the sound of music just wonderful!!! We also got to start our main homestudy project - researching a famous NZ artist.

Another wonderful day at BBI. We had our last practice day for Athletics

Presentation of the Kete's. What a superb job the students did as well.

Athletics Day. All of our practice was going to pay off.
We had a lot of great results and an insane game of extreme dodge ball for tabloids.

Well that was Week 5

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Team B News - Week 3 Term 4

Week Three has seen Team B dispersed around the school for their leraning
environments. Room 5 and 7 can now be found working collaboratively in the
Performing Arts Centre, Room 6 are now in M1 and Room 8 are in M2. All of
the students are to be commended on their flexibility and ability to adapt
to their new environment. We are looking forward to our sparkling ‘new’
classrooms, which we will be moving into hopefully in week 6. Our main focus
in Inquiry this week has been on Kiwiana culture, particularly art and Te
Reo Maori. We have been wrapping up measurement for Mathematics and are
looking ahead to Algebra. Students have also written some fantastic creative
narratives this week. We are looking forward to next week, where we will be
immersed in the Arts, including dance, drama, music and Te Reo Maori. Make
sure you check next week’s blog to see what we got up to!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week Two

Kiwiana was a focus once again for week two. We found out all about kiwi icons and followed Wiki around on his holiday adventures learning more about NZ history and places in NZ.

In Maths we finished off our measurement units all ready for testing in Week 3.

We learnt all about pourquois which are tales about how and why. Students wrote about different topics ranging from how the jellyfish lost its bones to why kiwis can't fly. They showed great creativity and imagination in these stories.

Amongst all our hard work we were busy stripping walls, packing boxes and moving furniture. Our big move was on Friday and it went very smoothly. Room 5 and 7 are now sharing the PAC for 4 weeks and Room 6 is in M2 whilst Room 8 is in M1.

As they say, change is as good as a holiday!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The start of Term 4

Hi to you all
Welcome back to school after the holidays. We hope that you all had a wonderful time with family and friends and that you spent some time just relaxing and catching up with each other.

This term is going to be another busy and exciting one and we are sure that ten weeks are just going to fly by.
The highlight of this week was the school cultural day and assembly that was organised by two students in Room 7, with the support and guidance of their lovely teacher and other students in the class.
Last term the Inquiry for our team looked at Human Rights with a focus on our community. These students investigated racism and decided to take some community action by promoting a cultural day to celebrate and aknowledge all the cultures represented at BBI. A great idea!
Students and staff dressed up in traditional costumes, flags which represented the many cultures at BBi were bought and displayed, and an assembly, focussing on sharing of cultures, music and dance, was organised. This was an amazing feat! Well done girls!
We also had a rotation in our team on Friday to support the idea of celebrating cultures and we focussed on New Zealand culture. Each class had a turn to make pavlova ( and eat it ), play stick games and sing, participate in gumboot throwing and enter a Kiwi quiz.

Here are some photographs

Other things to note:

Our Inquiry for this term focusses on the Arts.
Our fertile question is:
" Can our culture survive without the Arts?"
This week we have focussed on NZ culture and we have also done some map work. Very interesting!
Home study is up on a wiki and can be viewed at
The teachers in Team B are also developing a resource for students to use on this site.

Athletics day is on Friday 2 nd November and we are training for this.

Team B classrooms are going to be refurbished. This processs will start at the beginning of Week 3 - after the long weekend. We will be moving out of our classrooms but we hope to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. We will keep you updated on this and let you know when we will be moving back into our lovely, newly decorated rooms.

Next week is Bandana week. We encourage all the students to support this worthy cause. Once they purchase a Bandana, they will be able to wear it to school for the week. There will be a mufti day for all those who supported this on Friday.

That's all for this week. Looking forward to another exciting and busy week next week.

TEAM B teachers.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tagging clean up - taking responsibility for our community environment

Fantastic Fun Science

News from Team B - Week 9

Well, it has been an especially busy week in Team B. Our investigations into
Human Rights issues in our community have led to our students taking some
serious action. Some examples of the types of action being taken are placing
blanket and clothing bins around the school to give to various charities;
animations being created for our daily broadcast to inform our school
community of human rights issues; proposals to the council being written;
visits to retirement villages being planned and much, much more.

The goal for this Term's focus on Human Rights is to see a shift in
students' hearts, for them to realise that there are needs in our community
that need to be met and that they can make a difference.

We also have had the Science Roadshow in this week. The Science Roadshow is
a travelling group of trained professionals who perform live shows of
science experiments, loud bangs and other funny sights. There are always
lots of 'ooohs' and aaahs' coming from the audience! There are also loads of
hands on, interactive science displays for students to engage in. Team B
visited the show on Thursday afternoon. Check out some of the photos of the
things took part in. It really was mind blowing and I am sure many students
have got some ideas for Science Fair investigations for next year.

Well, there is only one week left of Term. Keep up the fantastic work next
week, Team B, you can enjoy a well deserved break in just one week!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 8 for Team B

Well Week 8 has passed us by and we are speeding towards the end of term. Week 8 was another busy week for the students in Team B. We had our final visit to the Life Education Caravan where Harold the Giraffe popped up to say hello.

Team B students were also busy with their inquiry work, researching answers to their questions and planning different types of community action they could take relating to their specific issue. Remember to check out their wikispaces to see what they have been up to.

Week 8 ended with the singing talent quest. A big congratulations to Teresa Wojtowicz who won first place with her song from High School Musical. She made us all proud!

Let's keep up the great work, Team B!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


These are some of the amazing houses that students in Room5 designed and constructed in Graphics and Design - working with Mr. Marrett.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Anne Frank writing competition

Ellen and Nicola in Room 5 have entered a letter writing competition being held in the UK. The competition is to support and commemorate the 60th anniversary of the publication of this diary.
These are their entries. Good luck girls.

Dear whoever finds this,

My name is Anne Frank and I am nearly 16. My family was hiding in an old Amsterdam warehouse during the second World War because we are Jewish. Now that I have been arrested, all I can do is pray for other Jews that they will not reach this fate which has fallen upon me.
An epidemic of typhus has spread throughout this concentration camp, but I am no longer scared for myself, but for Margot, who fell ill this morning. I hope, hope, hope she hasn't caught typhus.
My heart breaks when I think what might have happened to dear Peter.
Tears fill my eyes when I think of Mumsie. Although I could never confide in her, there was a small spot at the bottom of my heart for her. To think that we never even made up!
Even Mr Dussel and the van Daans. What became of them?
What will become of me and Margot?
Maybe some day, with the help of you, this letter can be published for all to see.
Oh Pim! If you are still alive, please publish my diary, for I don't think I will ever escape and be proud to be Jewish again.
No. I will never be free again.

Anne M Frank.

Dear Anne Frank
My name is Ellen. I am 11 years old and live in New Zealand. War still haunts this planet but luckily not in my country. I have read your diary and am astonished by your living conditions and what happened to you. The year is 2007, 60 years after your diary was first published by your father. So many people have read your diary. I wonder what might have happened if you hadn’t been found by the Nazis. You might want to know what happened in the war. Hitler lost because he shot himself (or so it was said). Your concentration camp was freed a month after you passed away. At least now you are with your mother, father, Margot and Peter Van Pels. I have an older sister too so I know what it like!!! .I can’t stop thinking how young you were when you died far far too young. I bet the suffering and pain was agonising especially when Margot wasn’t with you anymore. You are no longer suffering and are free of fear. I am not Jewish but I am Christian so we believe in the same god. I have three cats at home (Arnold, T.C and Tiger) and I know how they can cheer you up any time!!!

Thank you for reading my letter

Your sincerely

Week 7 in Team B

Can you believe that it will be September at the end of this week?
Time flies when you are having fun!
It has been another good week at school with lots of things happening. All the students are on their second or third visit in the Ed. Life Caravan - working with Celia. She is awesome and they are learning all about keeping a balance in life. The programme is entitled 'WOF' and is based on a Warrant of Fitness, with a focus on a healthy attitude, healthy appetitie and healthy activity.

On Tuesday the Apple Bus tour came to BBI. This group of teachers, from all over New Zealand, are interested to see how we integrate technology into all aspects of our learning. Proud students from Room 8 and Room 5 talked to these teachers about the radio station and wikis.
You can view some of the work being done by students, using wikis, on

Some of the students in our team took part in the Eastern Zone gynmastics competetion on Thursday and they did very well. Talking about gymnastics, there is a Jump Jam class competition on at the end of the term. Practices are in the PAC at lunchtime. All students are welcome to participate.

Students from Room 5 all met at the movies on Saturday evening to see Amazing Grace. This film is about the abolition of the slave trade and linked in well with our work on Human Rights. We had a great evening.

Next week the school survey will be sent home with the newsletter. Please make sure that you receive this and we would appreciated it if you could fill this in and send it back to school.

Thursday, August 30, 2007